The month in me: Adele, Brexit and the art of composting
/Apologies for the radio silence – I've been working away for the past few months, finishing the very final line-dotting on my book (so fingers crossed that nothing about the world changes until April).
As well as working on a few bigger projects (which I can't talk about, but which are very exciting) I've also been writing for various outlets. If you're interested, just follow the links below...
Andrew Fisher's suspension is a humiliation for Jeremy Corbyn (CapX)
My hot take on the Labour policy chief's suspension,
Cameron's European balancing act (Politico)
Anglo-German entente (Politico)
Columns for Politico Europe on Cameron and Osborne's attempt to reach a deal on Europe – and whether it'll fly back home.
How UKIP and the Electoral Commission skewed the EU referendum (CapX)
Inside the infighting among Britain's anti-Europeans
Cameron at 10 (Telegraph)
Call Me Dave (Telegraph)
Two very different biographies of the Prime Minister, two very different reviews
Tory tax discredits (Politico)
Why Osborne's defeat in the Lords really matters
Will the next Tory leader please stand up? (Politico)
Boris v George v Theresa, Tory conference edition
John McDonnell's tax plans are based on a myth (Telegraph)
How the base of Britain's tax system is becoming dangerously narrow
I also spoke at a great event at PS21, the think tank where I'm a global fellow, on where British politics is now.
Too many books? Inside publishing's 'Super Thursday' (Telegraph)
In which I attempt to read every Christmas bestseller.
Today's pop idols are more idolised than ever (CapX)
On Adele's amazing success, and the rise of fandom in culture and politics
Faltering government tech upstarts (Financial Times)
What's gone right, and wrong, with the UK government's flagship digital initiative
'Plants are just itching to grow' (Telegraph)
A bit of a departure for me, but fascinating none the less – an interview with the Telegraph's resident gardening scientist, Ken Thompson.