Hay Festival, OECD Forum, York Festival and some speedy reading

The last couple of months have - appropriately - been a whirlwind, but things are now finally getting back to normal after the launch of 'The Great Acceleration'. My next project is to put together a list of recommended reading, as promised in the book - to share the books that most inspired me when writing. 

Before that, however, I'm appearing at the Hay Festival - Britain's largest festival of books and ideas - this coming Tuesday, and then moderating a panel at the OECD Forum in Paris the next day. Then on June 13th I'll be in York for their Festival of Ideas - it would be lovely to see any and all of you there.

Meanwhile, in case you're wondering what I've been up to, here are a selection of my recent pieces about the book, or drawing on the ideas in it... if they interest you, why not buy a copy? 

'The end of rush hour? Why companies need to slow down to speed up' (1843/The Economist)

'Everything is speeding up - except politics. Why?' (World Economic Forum)

'Faster media, fractured government' (Politico)

'How London got hooked on speed' (Evening Standard)

'How to beat social jet lag' (Observer)

'Why a faster world can also be a happier one' (Sunday Telegraph)

'Cash is dying - and won't be missed' (Telegraph)

'Fast fingers, quick steps, motor mouths - why everything really is getting faster' (Sunday Times)